Where is the photograph? Using Grassmann-Cayley algebra
This work proposes a geometric to calculate the position of a camera within a non-calibrated system. The solution is formalized using Grassmann-Cayley algebra.
Computational problem.
Goal: To compute the position of the camera from a single photograph took by the camera itself.
Input: The coordinates of some points of reference in the tridimensional space, and the coordinates of their projections to the image plane.
Output: The coordinates representing the position of the camera in the tridimensional space.
Experimental results.
The method was tested using a Point Gray Bumblebee camera, and a AICON 3D Systems GMbH calibration grid. After an statistical analysis we found that the method has a precision and accuracy of the order of milimeters in computing the position of the camera.
In addition, the method can be used with reference points within a canonical projective, affine or euclidean frame.
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